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Online Consultation

As many studies have shown, acupuncture can increase the odds of getting pregnant. By increasing blood flow to the entire reproductive system and decreasing stress, acupuncture helps couples reach their goal of becoming parents. However, because not everyone has the time, the budget, or lives close to an acupuncturist, Acupuncture Fertility Center of Rocklin offers an affordable online consultation option.


During the online consultation we go over the couple's history, and we also look at their lab work/semen analysis. Knowing the levels of crucial biomarkers helps us set the right expectations and determine a realistic treatment plan; including supplements, Chinese herbs, diet and exercise recommendations.


When you call our office to make an online consultation our staff will direct you on how to get the required blood work / semen analysis. Please be aware that most blood work for women are done during cycle day 2 or 3 of their period.

Acupuncture Fertility Center of Rocklin


45 minute phone/video consultation (does not include treatment)  $90




A Few Studies

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